Scott Purcival

My Activity Tracking


My target 100kms

Exceeded my own expectations.

So I jumped into this thinking I might hit the 42k mark by the end. But what has happened instead is that this has been not only a great cause, but a great excuse to get back into bike riding. 
The kids are loving it, as am I, and it looks like I might have to raise my km target for the second time!
Definitely set some habits in place, going to try to hit 100km total distance before the month is over. :D

Running is awful. Riding forever.

So my youngest child is now off training wheels! However, to achieve this, I had to endure some days of running quite briskly beside a very unstable child, riding far too quickly for her skill level...
Thankfully, now that she can keep up on two wheels, I'm able to bring all of the kids along on my rides from now on!
Looking forward to a long one this afternoon :) (and no more running)


Jumped on the treadly today to try out the new Strava app on my watch. 
Went for a short ride with the kids around the nicer parts of town.
It looks like the app worked flawlessly!

I need an excuse to not be fat!

I'm getting old and need an excuse to not be fat.
By supporting me you help sick children, and prevent a single case of adult obesity at the same time!

Thank you to my Sponsors


Peter Bonanno




Norm & Annette


Scott Purcival




Rod Wong

Go Scooter


Robert Dowling